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We are a freelance development team from Baden-Württemberg that has been working on indie games, software development methods and software design since over 20 years.
What we do
We research methods for software product design e.g. Design Thinking and Quality Function Deployment
We offer you 20 years of experience in IT in the areas of Software Development, Project Management and Testing.
Requirements Engineering
We support you in the structured collection, analysis and documentation of requirements with the aim of designing the best possible product for your customers.
We offer customized solutions for your modern WWW presence.
Indie-Games is what is close to our hearts and why we exist, we will inform you about our progress in our blog.
Our Guiding Principle
„SI should stand for the best on the internet. Openness, freedom, ideas and creativity..“
SI Team
SI Technics
Unser „Bauhaus-Spiel“ war unser Beitrag zum Overnight Contest der Devmania 2012. Ziel des Contests damals: Zum Thema „Geometrische Formen“ von Samstagnachmittag bis Sonntagvormittag über Nacht ein Spiel entwickeln. Teaser: Wir haben den Contest leider nicht gewonnen. 🙂 Hintergrund Nach dem Rennspiel und dem Weltraumshooter fehlte uns noch ein weiterer Klassiker in unserer Sammlung: Ein Jump’n’Run…
Value Proposition Deployment on SPM Summit
Back in 2021 Felix had the opportunity to present Value Proposition Deployment at Software Product Management Summit Online Recharge. In the video linked below I briefly explain the practical problem and the use of this method to you.
Technology-induced Indie-Game Development
The case of A.IR Back in 2008 Sebastian and Tobias, my friends of si-entertainment.org, had the idea to develop computer games that could be controlled with the new Nintendo Wii controller Wiimote. In addition to various acceleration sensors, the Wiimote has an infrared receiver that uses signals from the Wii transmitter bar for orientation in three-dimensional…
QFD-Workshops during Pandemic
Or: The need for a magic moment Actually, I wanted to do a post about challenges in public traffic but now we all face a much bigger challenge. The new Corona virus causes enormous effects in daily life as well as in the working area. Of course, there are much more important points then Workshops…
Felix is QFD Facilitator!
Since last week I may call myself a QFD moderator (Certified Facilitator) which is a certificate of the German QFD institute (QFD ID). The first time I heard about QFD was in a lecture during my studies at mechanical engineering. It seems to me like a very maths heavy approach to make quality measureable and…
Night Fight – Der Afterburner im All
Zwei Beiträge zum Overnight Contest haben wir euch schon vorgestellt, heute folgt unser allererstes Overnight Spiel. Er entstand während der DUSmania 2007 in Rodgau, in der Nähe von Darmstadt. Die DUSmania war das jährliche Treffen der Deutschen Untergrund Spiele – einer Gemeinschaft von Hobbyspieleentwicklern, der wir uns lange zugehörig fühlten. (Nach dem Ende der DUS…