
My name is Felix Schönhofen. I was born on November 26th 1986 in the city of Stuttgart in the south of Germany. Following studies of mechanical engineering and technically oriented business administration (M.Sc.) I got the opportunity to work as a research assistant at the Chair of Information Systems II of Prof. Dr. Georg Herzwurm at the University of Stuttgart.

From the early beginning I got a fan of the method Quality Function Deployment, founded by Dr. Akao back in the 1960s, and brought to the Software Industry by Georg Herzwurm and my colleague Sixten Schockert.

Beside the methodical development of software and software-intensive products using Quality Function Deployment, I’m interested in Software Platforms and Ecosystems.


  • Adkus – Association of graduates of the economic study programmes
    • Committee member for Marketing
  • Gesellschaft für Informatik
    • Specialist group Requirements Engineering
  • QFD-ID – QFD Institute of Germany
    • Innovation Prize 2017 for Master’s Thesis “Evaluation of platform-based business models using Quality Function Deployment”
  • TV Sersheim
    • Commitee member for ball sports
  • VfB Stuttgart
  • VFIAS – Support Association of the Institute of Industrial Automation and Software Engineering


Pietzker, M., Schönhofen, F. and Herzwurm, G. (2023), Towards a Framework for Business Models of Enterprise Software Platforms, in: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Software Product Management, 2023

Wagner, K., Schönhofen, F. and Herzwurm, G. (2023), A competency model for the Product Management in Software-intensive Business, in: Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Product Management, 2023

Schönhofen, F., Schockert, S. und Herzwurm, G. (2022), Simultane Vermittlung und Evaluation einer Methode des Requirements Engineerings, in: Softwaretechnik-Trends, 42, 2022, 3, pp. 23-24

Petrik, D., Trieflinger, S. und Schönhofen, F. (2022), Aligning Value Creation in Ecosystems through Roadmapping, in: Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop “Nachhaltige Wertschöpfungssysteme” at Informatik 2022, Hamburg, Germany.

Petrik, D., Schönhofen, F. und Herzwurm, G. (2022), Understanding the Design of App Stores in IoT, in: Proceedings of the 5 th International Workshop on Software-intensive Business, SiBW 2022, Pittsburgh (PA), USA

Model, K. und Schönhofen, F. (2022), Herausforderungen bei der Produktentwicklung von cyber-physischen Systemen, in: Stuttgarter Schriften zur Unternehmenssoftware, 7, 2022

Mazur, G., Herzwurm, G., Schockert, S. and Schönhofen, F. (2021), The importance of ISO 16355 in general and ISO 16355-7 for the future of QFD, in: Proceedings of the 26th International Symposium on Quality Function Deployment, ISQFD 2021, Aachen, Germany, pp. 221-237

Schönhofen, F., Schockert, S. and Herzwurm, G. (2021), Towards a Value Proposition Deployment for Software-intensive Innovations, in: Proceedings of the 26th International Symposium on Quality Function Deployment, ISQFD 2021, Aachen, Germany, pp. 35-46

Schockert, S. und Schönhofen, F. (2019), Teaching QFD: Understand how to cause good quality, in: Proceedings of the 25th International Symposium on Quality Function Deployment, ISQFD 2019, Boise, USA, pp. 150-161

Schönhofen, F., Schockert, S. und Herzwurm, G. (2018), ISO 16355 in Software-intensive Business, in: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Software-intensive Business: Start-ups, Ecosystems and Platforms, SiBW 2018, Espoo, Finland, pp. 158-163

Schönhofen, F., Schockert, S. und Herzwurm, G. (2018), Towards a QFD approach for Software-intensive Business, in: Proceedings of the 24th International Symposium on Quality Function Deployment, ISQFD 2018, Hongkong, S. 144-149

Petrik, D., Schönhofen, F., Straub, D., Herzwurm, G. und Kuolt, H (2018), Application of a software ecosystem framework for connected vacuum gripping systems, in: Procedia CIRP, 72, 2018, pp. 580 – 585

Schönhofen, F., Schockert, S. und Herzwurm, G. (2018), Das Business Model House of Quality: Bewertung plattformbasierter Geschäftsmodelle mit Quality Function Deployment, in: Proceedings der Software Engineering und Software Management 2018, Fachtagung des GI-Fachbereichs Softwaretechnik, SE 2018, Ulm, Germany, pp. 167-168

Straub, D., Petrik, D., Schönhofen, F., Herzwurm, G. und Kuolt, H. (2017), Geschäftsmodellentwicklung für vernetzte Vakuumsauggreifer, in: Arbeitswelten 4.0 – Chancen, Herausforderungen, Lösungen, Tagungsband der 16. Tage des Betriebs- und Systemingenieurs (TBI 2017), 23, Chemnitz, Germany, pp. 33-44

Schönhofen, F., Petrik, D., Schockert, S. und Herzwurm, G. (2017), Analysis of platform-based Business Models using Quality Function Deployment, in: Proceedings of the 23rd International QFD Symposium, ISQFD 2017, Tokyo, Japan, pp. 65 – 79

Schönhofen, F. und Schockert, S. (2017), Das Business Model House of Quality: Bewertung plattformbasierter Geschäftsmodelle mit Quality Function Deployment, in: Leimeister, J.M, Brenner, W. (Hrsg.), Proceedings der 13. Internationalen Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI 2017), St. Gallen, Schweiz, pp. 1477-1488