Became QFD Facilitator!

Since last week I may call myself a QFD moderator (Certified Facilitator) which is a certificate of the German QFD institute (QFD ID).

The first time I heard about QFD was in a lecture during my studies at mechanical engineering. It seems to me like a very maths heavy approach to make quality measureable and I must say I did not find it very exciting. Years later, now a student of business administration, I got in contact with the approach again – again in a lecture, this time in Information Systems.

Right from the start i liked the idea of seperation and recombining customer requirements and product functions. For me it becomes clear how much potential this approach offers. Of course, a workshop is not just fun in a sense of eating pizza with friends, it could be hard work. But you get so many interesting and important insights that it’s definitely worth it.

In both my bachelor and master’s thesis I dealt with Quality Function Deployment and I plan to do the same for my doctoral thesis. Accordingly I am now happy about this certification. Many thanks to my colleague Sixten for the proposal.

At the moment I’m in Poland but next week I’m off to the WI 2020 in Potsdam, the biggest german-spoken Conference in Information Systems.

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